Since our inception, Active Africa's main objective has been to provide young people with access to better quality education.
In Malawi our challenge during these years has been to improve education in the poorest areas of the country. To this end, we have restored and improved the infrastructure of some of the public schools in the Dowa area. On each trip we visit all the schools that have received help over the years and hold meetings with the educational community and parents to learn about their needs. The awarding of scholarships for the two best students of each graduating class has become a great incentive for these underprivileged students. Our most important projects have been:
Construction and rehabilitation of two and three classroom buildings in 23 primary and secondary schools in the Dowa area: St. Mathias, Dowa I, Kanjenje, Mvera, Mbindo, Lovimbi, Katundu, Chankhungu Primary, Dowa II, Chingondo, Chigwere, Mpangweni, Masadedera, Kasumba, Mtenje, Chankhungu Secondary, Mgona Secondary, Chimbang'ombe.
Throughout these years, we have realized that we had to focus on secondary education, as this guarantees the complete cycle of education. Our action has extended to ensuring the safety of female students and we have financed the construction of 3 boarding schools for girls in Chankhungu, Mwera and Chimbang'ombe Secondary Schools.
As a consequence of our support for education, our SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM was born, through which we finance the studies of students who, for different reasons, deserve help to continue studying. We believe that this is the best investment for a better future.
Scholarship program in Malawi and Kenya:
This is a very important program for Active Africa.
It is our raison d'être and where we spend a lot of our efforts. We believe that education will serve to improve and change the lives of many young people individually and as a society.
In Malawi, we have several actions underway:
On the one hand, and since our inception, we decided to implement a program through which 2 scholarships per school are awarded every year, one to the best girl and one to the best boy of all primary schools that are within our program in the area of Dowa and Kanyenje. These pupils continue with our support during Secondary and Higher Education or University. The program expanded its scope to other areas and territories of the country, providing scholarships to many secondary school and university students in Lilongwe, Blanthyre, Dowa, Mzuzu, Nkhotakota, etc.
As a result, more than 3,000 young people have benefited from the opportunity to pursue higher education and mark a change of direction in their lives that will have a direct impact on the improvement of the country. Also, numerous scholarships have been given to girls/boys recommended by people we trust and who are in a situation of extreme need.

Many young people in Malawi deserve this opportunity and it is a source of pride for our association to be able to help some of them fulfill their dreams.
When we travel to Malawi, we visit them in their different study centers.
There is nothing that can make us feel happier than to see how these children we met at a very young age are finishing their studies and joining the labor market.
We are grateful for the sponsorship of the Gandara Foundation, Maite Iglesias Baciana Foundation, Martiderm, Zikkomo, Cejudo-Mercado Family and other individuals who assume the cost of their studies.
On the other hand, in Kenya we are providing scholarships to many young women through programs of the Kianda Foundation and with the sponsorship of the Maite Iglesias Baciana Foundation. This is a successful project that has improved the lives of many women in the most needy areas of Kenya.
New constructions are underway:
Buildings in Primary and Secondary schools
Inauguration of the Student Residence in Chezi, financed by the Gandara Foundation.
Construction work on new classrooms begins at the Valitzari School.
āConstruction of a library, laboratory and water pipeline for students and teachers at Kafumphe secondary school.

Student Residence in Chezi

New classrooms at the Valitzari School
Work continues on the New Hostel-Residence for Secondary School boys in Chezi, thanks to the GANDARA FOUNDATION.
Construction of a new block of classrooms at the Kafumphe Secondary School, a project sponsored by MANGO.
Latrine blocks at Kaphumfe Secondary School, sponsored by AVEDA.
Construction of a teachers' house in Chankhungu, thanks to Fundación GANDARA and ROVIRALTA.ā
Construction of a Laboratory and Bookstore at the Chimwang'ombe School, currently under construction. Funded by Fundación Barceló and MANGO.
Construction of a Residence for Secondary School students in Chezi, GANDARA FOUNDATION and funds from the Association.
Inauguration of a block of classrooms at the primary school in Mtenje.
Construction of houses for secondary school teachers.

Kafumphe School Latrines
Chimwang'ombe School Library
Chimwang'ombe Laboratory School
Chezi boys' residence
Nuevo bloque Escuela de Kafumphe
Kenya: Night school for pastoralist children, Lchekuti:
Tuum and Barsaloi are two small villages in the Samburu desert. They are located about 500 kilometers from Nairobi. These arid and difficult to access places are the natural habitat of the Samburu and Turkana tribes.
The scarcity of rainfall and grazing as the main activity of these tribes, make the care of the herd the main objective of these families, a task that falls on the children considered smarter and more intelligent.
These are children who cannot attend official school, since their work as shepherds forces them to spend the whole day caring for the cattle and looking for new pastures. The diet of these children is based on tea and some milk. Without academic training, it is difficult for them to integrate into the formal education system and even to develop an adult social life. The goal of the Lchekuti is precisely to overcome these impediments. They attend classes in the evening, usually from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., when they have already returned from grazing. For their learning, they use a basic program integrated into the education system in which they are taught reading, writing, Swahili, English, religion, science and basic mathematics. Simple notions so that they can function in society in their near future. In addition, they offer them a very nutritious food called UJI which reduces malnutrition and monitors their health. Without these centers, all these children would be doomed to illiteracy.