Women Empowerment
Tot Plus Program in Kenya
TOT PLUS is a program piloted by the Kianda Foundation that is aimed at training women through economic courses and the granting of microcredits for the creation of small businesses. It is developed in Kagondo, Kenya and is financed by the Maite Iglesias Baciana Foundation. Thanks to it, many women were able to fulfill their dreams and achieve a better life.
Environment and challenges
The program takes place in Kagondo, a town in Kiambu County, one of the 47 counties in Kenya. While it is true that Kagondo has the convenience of being located only 13 km from the capital, Nairobi, the reality is that life there is not easy and the inhabitants have to face many challenges of life in the slums, including a very high cost of living, high rates of school fees, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and youth violence.
Of particular note is the major impact of high levels of unemployment, especially among young people. Before the pandemic, it was estimated that 80% of unemployed Kenyans were under 35 years of age, but the situation has now worsened. From this problem stem many consequences that affect the lives of young people, such as substance abuse and related health problems such as depression and also a high percentage of AIDS sufferers. There are many other factors that affect the low levels of poverty; it is a territory that is very pressured by being close to the city, and that has to face high prices in agricultural inputs, not to mention the poor conditions of the road networks, which make the delivery of perishable products impossible, or the inability of small farmers to market their products efficiently without having to submit to intermediaries who take advantage of their situation.
Project beneficiaries
Since we started supporting this project, many women with no previous economic activity have been able to access the business training courses. For them, it has meant a fundamental change in their lives.
It is expected that at least 90% of them will start earning an independent income, and that at least 30% of them will have doubled their disposable income by the end of the project.
The project has fostered the creation of a support group of women leaders, a platform for help, discussion and training made up of TOT PLUS beneficiaries with leadership qualities.
Along with the Maite Iglesias Baciana Foundation, a veteran in supporting this project, this year we have the donation of the Gandara Foundation.
Many thanks to the 2 organizations that allow us to continue with this project through Kianda Foundation.

Promotion of women: Training workshops
Women are the most needy group on the African continent. From a young age they look to the future knowing that what awaits them will not be easy. They must support the family and bring money home. However, the good news is that more and more girls have access to education.
Every year Active Africa funds many scholarships to improve the future of these women. However, others, if not the majority, will not have access to higher education.
For this reason Active Africa supports the creation of workshops that give women opportunities to improve their economy and that of their family as well as grow in self-esteem
This last year we have financed literacy and sewing workshops: in Malawi (specifically in Chezi and Kapiri) and others in Kenya, in Tuum and Opiroi.
these projects have been possible thanks to the financingā by Comercia Global Payments, Mauel Lao Foundation and Maite Iglesias Baciana Foundation.
Specifically the Kapiri project is carried out in the Mission of the same name in the region Central-West Malawi, under the supervision of Malawian sisters: Sister Patricia and Sister Modesta.
Until 2024, more than 3,000 women have benefited from this training and have improved their lives. Currently the project is carried out in 5 different centers. Every year we are asked to increase the number of beneficiaries due to the great impact it has on their lives.ā
Once they finish, many create their own business. Some have the opportunity to buy a sewing machine at a good price and set up shop as seamstresses in their villages. Others open shops in the local market or start small businesses that will mean a big change for their future.
We thank the donors who make it possible for these actions to go ahead: MANGO, Comercia Global Payments.

Residence for girls at Nanthomba High School

Esta residencia fue fundada hace años por las Misioneras de María Mediadora para facilitar la formación de jóvenes en sus estudios superiores.. En ella viven 50 chicas, la mayoría huérfanas del orfanato de Chezi, o provenientes de familias muy vulnerables, principalmente de la región agrícola de Dowa.
Durante su estancia en el centro estas chicas tienen la posibilidad de acudir a escuelas donde acabar sus estudios y tener más posibilidades para empezar una vida profesional con garantías de éxito.
Aparte de la formación académica también reciben atención personalizada, clases de refuerso y enseñanzas prácticas en un entrono seguro y estable.
Agradecemos de manera espacial a Fundación Gandara que participó en su construcción y financia el mantenimiento del centro y las becas de las jóvenes.