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Expansion of the maternity hospital in Likuni, Lilongwe

Active Africa has been collaborating with the LIKUNI hospital for years, supporting projects that have led to a great improvement in the quality of service.

The women in the hospital's area of influence have been gradually trusting in the services offered and have been able to appreciate the benefits of having a pregnancy and childbirth controlled by health personnel and in very dignified conditions. This very good news, which has reduced infant and maternal mortality during the delivery period, has led to a progressive increase in the number of admissions to this wing of the hospital. Currently, about 370 deliveries are attended per month and the facilities built in 2015 are clearly insufficient.


In order to care for all women in need of healthcare during childbirth, existing beds in the incubator area or in the baby nursery, areas that should be used only for children in order to prevent infections, are being used for immediate cesarean section patients and/or with postpartum complications, putting the health of mothers and children at risk. But, unfortunately, there are more shortcomings. There is no isolation area for patients who need it for epidemics (Covid 19) or puerperal sepsis.

There is also no ward to care for mothers in the last stages before delivery and no Intensive Care and/or High Surveillance units for mothers and children. Currently, many mothers who need special monitoring for underlying conditions are referred to Kamuzu Central Hospital, with the risk of death en route. The high rate of HIV infection makes it advisable to treat mothers and infants in such a situation in isolation and intensively.


To solve all these problems and provide optimal health facilities, the hospital management asked for our help to extend the maternity wing. The hospital infrastructure needs to be expanded to create areas to accommodate 32 new beds for regular post natal care, 3 beds in isolation area, 7 beds in High Dependency Unit area, 14 beds in High Risk Unit, 5 beds in Intensive Care Unit, 4 beds in private care wing and a new delivery area.


The new maternity hospital was inaugurated in 2023. Currently, the furniture and equipment necessary to make it possible are being purchased.

We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to Fundación Ordesa, Mango and Sabadell City Council for making this project possible.

Purchase of medicines for the Chezi dispensary , financed by the "Farmasol Fundació Barceló" program

FUNDACION BARCELO continues to support the purchase of medicines for the Chezi Dispensary, Malawi. ​

It is a very important action because the centers lack all types of means to fight diseases.

In this area there are many episodes of malaria and pneumonia and, thanks to access to these treatments, many lives are saved. ​

New ambulance for Barsaloi dispensary

We are happy to announce that the Mission of the Teresitas Sisters of Barsaloi now has a new ambulance to serve the people of the villages of this Samburu area.


Active Africa supported years ago the construction of the Maternity Hospital in the same village. From there many health actions are carried out such as vaccinations, urgent visits, deliveries, transfer of seriously ill people to the local hospital, etc. that require a strong vehicle suitable for the environment. The Samburu region is particularly arid, with impossible roads and very difficult driving. The villages are very isolated because the population lives mainly on livestock and they go from one place to another looking for water and food for the animals. The ambulance is a useful and necessary asset that saves many lives.



Thanks to the union of several donors, this is now a reality. 

The union of Miva, Mango, Africa Digna and Active Africa has made it possible.

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Support program for the AIDS patients of Kaggwa Parish:

Since 2006, our association collaborates in the maintenance of the special attention program for AIDS patients (Kaggwa Community Home Based Care) that takes place in the parish of Kaggwa, Lilongwe.  The objectives of this program have been to improve the quality of life of AIDS patients group and their closest family , to stop to increase the number of AIDS patients through training and prevention and also, to achieve the patients social reintegration.  The activities that are developed annually in order to support the AIDS patients groups are designed to take care of their health and nutrition and offer them the tools necessary to lead a dignified life.

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